American history is marked by the struggle for theabolition of slavery, a struggle led by courageous, often forgotten personalities. Sarah Parker Remond is one of them. This African-American woman, born in 1815, dedicated her life to defending the rights of Blacks and...
Harriet Jacobs is an important historical figure who contributed to the fight against slavery and for female emancipation. Born in North Carolina in 1813, she lived as a slave until her escape in 1835. Jacobs went on to write a remarkable book entitled »Incidents in...
Malcolm X is an emblematic figure of the American civil rights movement. Born in 1925, he became one of the greatest campaigners for the rights of African-Americans, advocating equality, freedom and independence. The aim of this article is to retrace his career and...
Black women have played an essential role in history and culture, but their contributions have often been downplayed or ignored. However, thanks to inspirational figures such as Michelle Obama, their voices are increasingly being heard. In this article, we’ll...
Muhammad Ali is without doubt one of the greatest boxers in history. His unique style, charismatic personality and commitment to civil rights have made him a true icon of sport and popular culture. In this article, we take a look back at the life and career of...
IntroductionFrantz Fanon was an intellectual, psychoanalyst and political activist who was born in Martinique in 1925 and died at the age of 36 in 1961. He is consideredone of the greatest decolonization thinkers of the 20th century and is famous for his writings on...